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Spanish Immersion

Dr. Timothy Sims

Director of Federal Programs and Career and Technical Education

828-322-2855 x 234

Hickory City Schools offers Dual Language Immersion programs at Southwest Primary School, Longview Elementary, Viewmont Elementary and Grandview Middle Schools.

Participation in the dual language immersion program is voluntary, with seats limited to 50 per grade level per school. Our programs are two-way, with approximately half of the participants being native English speakers and the remaining half native Spanish speakers. The goals of the dual language program are:

  1. Students will become bilingual and biliterate.
  2. Students will achieve grade-level academic proficiency in both English and Spanish.
  3. Students will demonstrate cultural competence.

Why should you consider dual language immersion for your student? Strong research indicates that bilingual students have increased cognitive flexibility. Students in these programs have shown increased academic achievement compared to similar peers who did not participate in the program.

Research Resources:

Hickory City Schools will be hosting informational meetings about our Dual Language Immersion programs. Please check the school websites for details.